Thursday, August 24, 2006

Transition: The Call to a Larger Life

Transitions are invitations to be more. Transitions are indicators of a soul requesting a larger life. That doesn't make the work of change easier. BUT - the more we know about ourselves, our bodies, minds and spirits, the more hopeful, calm and peaceful we can be as we navigate the turbulent waters of radical change.

Women in Transition: The Call to a Larger Life, a one-day retreat on October 14, 2006 in Ashland, OR offers resources, techniques and practices proven to help transform confusion, frustration, overwhelm, and isolation into clarity, courage, peace, hope and joy. Endless possibilities become the norm when you courageously respond to the lure of becoming inherent in transition.

I will be leading the retreat, which features presentations by some of my colleagues. Read about them and their topics by clicking the title of this blog entry - AFTER you read the rest of this entry! The retreat is a distillation our wisdom and experience, presented in the lovely, safe, comfortable environment of MOJO Rising Workshop and Event Studio, in Ashland, OR.

Horizon Institute, an Ashland based non-profit organization, sponsors this retreat as part of its mission to ask the questions: What does it mean to be human? What could it mean to be human?

Investment is $250, and includes the retreat, a follow-up conference call, and a private coaching session with me. Until September 15, the investment is $199!

Monday, August 14, 2006

Grandmothers for Peace: Days 7 & 8

Today, Monday, is Day 8 of the great silent grandmother gatherings 7:30 - 9:30 am at Lithia Park in Ashland. Yesterday was a festive day. Following the morning vigil in the park, Sharon Mehdi was the guest speaker at the First United Methodist Church of Ashland. She read her grandmother book ( to a very attentive congregation. We're Saving the World was shown. It's a documentary by Claudine Jordan and Tom Klodin about the backstory of the book was shown ( . Later a dance troupe performed as the song composed for the book Women Saving the World, by Stefana Dadas ( was played. The elegant dance troupe, Women of Peace, was comprised of women and one young girl. Many tears of appreciation were shed.

This morning, I was reluctant to go to the 7:30 gathering. But when I arrived, I was glad I did. The air was a little warmer, and the delight of being in such a beautiful place at such a beautiful time soon took over. My thoughts were mostly on my great-grandson. What kind of world will he experience as an adult? Right now, his world is one of adoration by his core family and exploration of toddler possibilities. What will 10 years from now be like? 20 years? I left after an hour of park vigil, to go home to see him.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

Standing at the Edge of the Park - Saving the World

Today is Day Six of the Great Silent Grandmother Gathering at Lithia Park in Ashland, OR, my home town. The morning was clear and cool as we began our stand with a circle and invocation at 7:30 AM. When we dispersed with a song (Peace is Flowing Like a River) at 9:30 AM, 16 people had participated by being peace. Many others waved and smiled. Saturday is a busy day, as artisans set up their booths on Calle Guanauato, alongside Ashland Creek for the weekend Lithia Artisans Market.

A strong, tall man with very short hair and stylishly scruffy beard wanted to speak to us. This is a silent vigil, but I chose to overlook "rules." His name is Mike. He lives in the an upstairs apartment facing the grassy area where we stand each morning, and has been aware of us all week. On Tuesday, he saw 7 of us standing in the pouring rain. His voice broke as he said, "I wanted to bring all of you tea, but I don't have a tea pot!" He said he wished he could stand with us, but he had to go to work. This is the kind of man I want my great-grandson (2 1/2 year old Preston) to grow up to be!

Today, August 12, Ashland Daily Tidings carried a photo and article about us on the first page. Bob Plain, the reporter, told our story accurately and well. Thank you, Bob!

Tomorrow, Sunday, we stand again from 7:30 - 9:30 AM . Some or all of us will go with Sharon Mehdi, author of the internatioanal phenomenon The Great Silent Grandmother Gathering, and initiator of this gathering in the park, as she brings the message of hope and peace to First United Methodist Church of Ashland.

Sharon's blog details our stand, and includes pictures. Click the title of this article, or enter on your browser.

And consider taking a stand in your park!
Coach Elizabeth